Back from the vet (
Cherry Chase Pet Hospital since it is right next door)
He has a bacterial infection and has to take antibiotics for the next 2 weeks (but it hopefully will get better in the next couple of days). I'm glad it's nothing too serious, but it does hinder potty training. I've set him up in a pen at home, and placed potty training pads within the pen.
I learned a trick yesterday - placing a blanket over his crate after I've put him there. He still whimpers a bit, but he quiets down pretty quickly. I'll try that tonight since I'm leaving his crate in his pen with him in the living room (he normally sleeps in his crate in the bedroom).
I have a pen at work, so I'll do the same thing at work, but hopefully, he'll be a bit better tomorrow too.
The vet visit was good timing since he needed his second set of shots. We're following up in 3 weeks for them to analyze the urine again and to get his third set of shots. Luckily, the puppy training class starts in about 4 weeks, so I'll have time to get those shots before it starts (though only 2 sets of shots are required to attend).
By the way, he's 15.5 lbs today.
Here are some tips from the vet:
Heartgard for heartworms and intestinal worms. I asked about "Revolution" which is a topical that supposedly handles fleas as well, but I'll hear back from her.
K9 Advantage for fleas.
No need for dietary supplements if he's eating the right foods.
My tip: A blanket over the crate seems to help calm Cody down when I leave him alone in there.