Cody's Life

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Barking Cody

Cody has been whining and barking lately (since he thinks he needs to pee and wants to be taken outside. However, he unfortunately needs to pee all the time with his bladder infection). Since he's been disruptive, I had to move him from the office to the car. The weather is really mild so it'll be fine for him, but I really hope the antibiotics kick in soon so he will want to relieve his bladder less frequently. At night, he's needed to be taken out every hour and if I can't get a full REM cycle in, I'm useless during the day! (I think a REM cycle is around an hour and a half, but that's something I think I learned in college which was quite awhile ago)

Also, to prevent peeing on the carpet, I set up a pen at home with potty training pads. He has mastered climbing it, as you can see in the picture.

Tip of the day: Get taller pens if your dog thinks he's a monkey or a cat.


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