Cody's Life

Monday, February 20, 2006

Cody's first crisis

I am freaked out. The first medical emergency for me, but it's not that bad (or I hope not). Last night, Cody woke me up at 11, 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 to go pee. He even pooped a few of those times. After I officially got up at 7 with him, I noticed that he was starting to pee on the carpet. I was about to scold him until I realized that the droplets were red. It was hard to see when he started peeing blood, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't until the 7:00 time (but it is hard to tell when he's peeing on the dirt at night).

I called a vet immediately (the one that is next door) and they were able to give me an appointment at 10:30. I just took him out for a long walk, and he's napping now, so I hope he's ok until then. Except for the frequent urination (and the blood in his urine), he seems like his normal self (doesn't seem to be in pain), so I'm mildly freaked out, but at least Cody's not hurt.

I looked online and it may be bladder or kidney stones, but really, all issues with bloody urine indicated that he should at least be in pain, so I really don't know what the issue is. I'm positive he's not in major pain since he was still frolicking through the grass during our walk and still wanted to play.

He's sleeping now (which is good) so I'll update the blog again after I come back from the vet.


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