Cody's Life

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cody's first time in the office!

First, I want to celebrate the fact that he slept from 10pm to 4:30am nonstop last night! I think the key was to limit his naps yesterday. However, since my last post, he threw up and peed 3 times on the carpet. That's more of what I was expecting, but I was crossing my fingers for a abnormally genius/psychic dog that could read my thoughts and wishes. Guess I've been watching too much TV.

He met co-workers and met dogs of other breeds for the first time today. He was scared of almost every dog he met, but he seemed to get along with Tina, a 4-month old golden lab. My next goal is to teach him that it's ok to be left alone since he tends to whine right now. I wore him out a bit socializing him and walking him to the other buildings at work, so here are a couple of pictures of him sleeping in his pet bed at work.

Tip of the day: Fewer the naps during the day = longer sleep time at night!


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