I wrote earlier about the good weather. Since the weather is much nicer, my trainer has demanded a more vigorous workout schedule.
This is the plan:
MWF are light days - 2-3 miles in the morning and perhaps a 1 mile walk in the afternoon or evening.
T and Th are 2 sets of 4.5 miles - 4.5 from home to work in the morning, and 4.5 from work to home in the evening. (Though I'm thinking of letting him get the day off on Thursdays so he can attend doggy day care)
Sat and Sun we do 7 miles each day.
He's a relentless trainer - we rarely can skip out of one of these workout days, and if we do, we still have to at least do 3-4 miles that day. Besides pushing me every single day to run harder or faster, fortunately, he gives me short breaks when he needs to take a bathroom break or get a drink of water. I live for these breaks. (If I'm extra lucky, he may take a longer break to "chat" with a new canine or human friend).
What do I pay him to train me this hard? 2 meals a day, lodging, treats, toys, affection, health insurance, and a few other incidentals. I guess it's pretty comparable to the rates of human trainers if you factor in all the costs.
Plus, he doubles as a therapist when I'm upset or sad so I think I get the better end of the bargain.