Cody's Life

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

No Exercise?!?!

Yesterday I talked about Cody's appropriate poop requirement to fulfill his exercise needs. During Thanksgiving weekend a couple of weeks ago, I decided to do an experiment where Cody and I did not go out to exercise.

Actually, this "experiment" was an accident. We had run and exercised for at least an hour and a half for each day during the Thanksgiving weekend, and even though Cody wasn't pooped, I was (especially with the additional weight of Thanksgiving dinner and leftovers that I had to "carry" during our runs).

On the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, Cody and I both slept in. We woke up around noon and spent awhile debating if it would rain soon (to decide whether or not to go on a long run or not). I spent the afternoon debating while I think Cody decided it wasn't going to rain. He jumped up and down the couches and tossed and ran after various small toys all afternoon. He was only slightly destructive (scratched a little of the carpet and corners), but basically a slight terror. When I decided it was time to go running (read: when he was so distracting that I couldn't increase the volume of my television enough), it started to rain so both of us just plowed through the rest of the day without exercise.

Anyways, due to this "experiment," I highly discourage any truancy in your exercise regimen if you also have a highly active dog.

PS. Today's Cody's last day as an official puppy! He turns 1 year old tomorrow!!!!


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