Cody's Life

Monday, October 30, 2006


Before I continue, I need to make it clear that I am in no way implying that Cody goes on a diet. He's already bulimic and anorexic enough without needing more encouragement on that front. Anyways, for the last week, Cody actually has been eating what he has been allocated to eat. He's supposed to eat around 4 cups a day, but normally he'll only eat 2-3 because he's anorexic. (Vizslas tend to be a bit anorexic; they only eat what they need) Plus, with his motion sickness, he becomes a bit bulimic. In the last week, he's eating like a healthy dog which is nice to see. Even though I may have to re-think Cody's expensive dog food, I like to think he can eat normally some times. Since I do free feed him, I am slightly concerned that he might be turning into a regular dog that overeats, but so far he's still left some food in the bowl after he's eaten his 4 cups so no worries yet. You can see from the ribs on the picture that Evan took on Friday that he has a long way to go before he's overweight or a true "fatso".


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