Cody's Life

Monday, September 25, 2006

Teddy "Ears"

Cody loves his pig ears. But not to eat or chew (he actually finishes one about once a month). Instead, his pig ears act like a baby blanket or teddy bear. He isn't attached to one particular pig ear (thank goodness), but when we're at home, he must carry a pig ear to go eliminate in the backyard or to bed with him when he sleeps. He's not happy if you try to remove the pig ear, but he nestles it against the crook of his arm or leaves it close to his head. In our morning runs, he even attempts to carry the pig ear with him (I make him leave it at home because he will usually lose interest in carrying the pig ear as our run continues and that just means I'm left carrying the pig ear until the run is done).

I'm hoping he outgrows this, but it is a pretty cute "human" trait that he has.


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