Cody's Life

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Day care and Potty Training..At odds?

The problem with day care is that most day cares just allow the dogs to eliminate in the play room (or a corner of the play room). This means that the puppy may have gotten used to it being ok to eliminate indoors outside of day care.

I've noticed this problem after Cody spent 11 days at PlanetPooch and after his occasional visits to PetsMart. PetsMart's actually the worst because they have no outdoor area. They encourage dogs to eliminate indoors. In fact, their "outdoor area" is just an indoor section with the ceiling painted blue and a potted plant in the corner. I had an offsite yesterday evening so I left Cody at PetsMart. The employee there had confirmed that they just let the dogs eliminate wherever they want since they can't really monitor if each dog needs to use the restroom in the "outdoor area".

In the PlanetPooch Webcams, I've seen dogs go more freely indoors and outdoors, but due to the large number of dogs, punishing the dog our reminding the dog to eliminate outside is impossible to do.

I balance this problem with my belief that Cody should be socialized in this setting. I think by allowing Cody to go to daycare every week (as well as visit the dog park often), he can encounter other dog behaviors (both good and bad) and learn from them. He's not naturally a shy dog, but now he won't be. Of course, he may want to be a little shy if he has accidents in front of his friends, but he doesn't really seem phased by that.


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