Cody's Life

Friday, September 22, 2006

Cody's First Swim

Remember Cody's friend Tina and their jaunt into the muddy creek behind the offices? Well, it happened again today. This time, we followed Tina and her owner to a large pond/fountain at the end of the street. There, Cody followed Tina into the pond. He was a bit hesitant at first, but since he is a water dog, he got used to it immediately. Then, he jumped in to the "deep section" without realizing it. He tried to climb out, but he couldn't, so he doggy paddled across the pond (about 10 yards). My baby is all grown up! Swimming even without a life vest or inflatables!

I was starting to feel guilty that he hasn't had real experience with water and the summer is ending, but now we can enjoy the last few days of summer in that pond and look forward to a fun summer next year!


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