Cody's Life

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My Little Bulimic

In the last couple of days, Cody has been hacking a bit (and not from choking, motion sickness, or anything in particular that I can tell).

When he was playing last week, he hurt one of his legs and it's still healing. Since another person took care of him over the weekend, I put antiseptic and some first aid on his wound Sunday night when I returned from my weekend trip. Since it was late and he was sleepy, I placed a bandaid thinking he would not lick or remove the bandaid (he was leaving it alone after I put it on him). However, in the morning, the bandaid was gone. It is possible that Cody took off the bandaid, walked to the next room and threw it away in the trash can, but it's more probably that he swallowed it. It may also be that the medicine he licked is not agreeing with him as well. Since it can be a million things that he may have ingested, it's hard to tell what's causing him to vomit. He is still drinking and eating normally, so I'm not too worried.

(We're still going to the vet tomorrow just to make sure since he's hacking more today than previous days)


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