Cody's Life

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pronged Collar

I first considered this contraption back in April when I was visiting a friend in New York (remember Addie, the Australian Shepherd?) Addie also has a problem with pulling and during one of our walks, we passed by a pet store and Addie's owner decided to try this pronged collar.

The metal link choke collar I had been using has not been entirely effective. In fact, I've started developing pains in my knee that I attribute to the sudden pressures I have to put on it when Cody unexpectedly pulls hard to chase a bike or a bird.

Yesterday, I decided to purchase and try the pronged collar. It's a bit intimidating, but it's actually supposed to be less harmful for the dog than a choke collar. I tried it out on my arm and it wasn't that bad. (My colleague was skeptical and after she tried it, she agreed that it didn't hurt.) Trying to figure out how to detach and reattach the links were a pain. Especially since my collar didn't come with instructions. Apparently, you can also buy additional links in case it's too small, but right now, it'll fit Cody fine (and I can take out links too). You have to push really hard on the pronged end of a link to reattach it, and then there are too loops that I can attach the leash. Which one I use is beyond me. They look different and I feel like if the attachments look different, they should be for different purposes. But given no instructions, I just use either. They both should functionally work the same anyways (upon tightening, the collar will pinch).

I took Cody on a short walk and he stopped pulling. There may have been a slight attempt at pulling, but not enough to really feel the tug on your arms unless your paying attention, and definitely not enough pressure to hurt my knee.

I'm grateful that I decided to use this collar and it will certainly save my knee. Cody's at day care again (it's Thursday) so I'll try the collar in the next couple of days when we do our next run. (It may be tomorrow, but he is usually wiped out on Fridays since he plays so much on Thursday)


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