Cody's Life

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rollerblading with Shannon

Today, Cody's made a new best friend (and if I'm not careful, a new owner). A colleague of mine, Shannon, took Cody for his first rollerblading experience.

Normally, when Cody and I run to work, he would attempt to chase all the bikers, rollerbladers, and even the fast runners. Instead of being able to run at his full speed, he has to settle for slow-paced me.

However, Shannon took him on a little run/roll (what's the right term here?) and he was able to run for a long distance at his own pace. Granted, he was still on a leash, but this was the first time he's ever been able to run his little heart out as far as he did. The dog park is fenced so he is limited in space at how far he can run.

When Shannon was leaving, Cody tried to go with him. Maybe I'll need to consider getting a bike or rollerblades (and then learn how to rollerblade) if I want to keep his love.


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