Cody's Life

Monday, June 12, 2006

Sticking Your Neck Out

Cody has discovered a new passion. He discovered these things called "air" and "wind". Yeah, I know...novel ideas. For some reason, a few days ago, he tried sticking his head out the window (and the moonroof) and he found that he actually enjoyed it. Of course, it's a bit of a problem when he starts trying to put his paws out the window too to get more breeze or air. He'll do this if we're in a standstill or driving on the freeway. I don't let him put more than his head out (I have him on a leash), but it doesn't mean he doesn't try to really stick his whole body out there. Of course, his nostrils go on sensory overload since he's trying to sniff everything on the 101 freeway.

I'll try to get a picture (a bit difficult to get a moving picture especially when I'm driving), but you can take my word that it's just awfully cute. His ears flapping in the wind while his head rests the window.


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