Cody's Life

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Cody Update: 8 months!

Cody is 8 months today! Here are newer updates:

Better at heel (at least understands what it means. He's not always in the habit of actually heeling unless I insist)
We're working on a trick where he raises his hand if someone says "Who's a brat?"

He's mellowed out a lot. I took him to his first intermediate class at PetsMart yesterday (yes, I ranted about their hotel/day care program, but I paid for the classes awhile ago and the classes might be worth reviewing. After all, it's a 100% guaranteed program so at least if I'm dissatisfied, I can complain) Anyways, I digress. There were a few younger puppies there and they could not sit still for more than a minute. I never thought of Cody as one of the "more mellow" or "more obedient" dogs, but there he was, laying on the ground, somewhat ignoring all the puppies trying to play with him. I know Cody used to be that dog, and I'm not entirely sure when the transition occurred, but he's a much calmer dog now (still very energetic and a bit brat some of the time, but not all the time)

I don't even worry about him running away. Whenever his collar slips off, he stays around. In fact, when he's done playing with Miya, her owner just lets him out of Miya's office and Cody will grab his leash in his mouth and trot along to directly to my office. It's awfully cute. I'll try to get a picture of it next time.

Anyways, these are pictures of him now. Still as handsome and regal as ever.


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