Cody's Life

Friday, August 18, 2006

Cody Personal Curriculum Lesson 2

Cody and I have still been practicing heel and recall. We play in the playground to prep for agility classes. Now, I'm trying to increase his brain power. Usually, I'll hide his favorite toy at the top of a steep slide, or in the middle of the bridge that connects other slides and stairs and ladders. I will place it from the most impossible angle (the steepest slide or a ladder) and make him try to get it. Of course, he'll try to jump and reach and fall short. I'm now training him to find alternative paths to get his toy. Today was the first day so it's hard to tell how well he's doing. However, when he plays with other dogs, he usually will be the dog that cuts corners to intercept the other dogs so he may have potential.

By the way, Cody stayed at home for 3 days this week (normally he comes to work with me 4 days a week). He's done really well, so it's good to know he won't be mischievous and dig holes when I leave him at home anymore.


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