Cody's Life

Monday, July 03, 2006

What Cody Does At Home While Mom's Away

I left Cody in the backyard for 9 hours yesterday and thus is what he did:

Gnawed through two stalks of some huge plant.
Ate a pig ear
Ate a Greenie
Ate some of his dog food
Attempted to escape by digging a hole by the fence. (Little did he know that an escape attempt would be futile as there are high bushes on the other side of the fence that would prevent him from escaping so easily)
Barked (his bark collar shifted during the day so he was free to bark without a Citronella spray. I know this only because he did a quick bark when I got home)

What he didn't do:
Did not touch any of his other toys
Did not go poopie
Did not drink water (which is bizarre since we ran 8.5 miles earlier that day)

As Cody has only really been sleeping about 20 hours a day, I'm hoping to get out all his sleep deprivation and cranky moods. We'll see....


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