Cody's Life

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Best Chew Distraction Ever!

Do you ever have the problem of filling up a Kong and having your dog finish it about 10 seconds after you give it to him/her?

Although Cody is not as fast as many other dogs, he usually will finish a Kong in a minute. This means that I can only use a Kong to distract him while I leave the room or for anything that is immediate, but I cannot use it as a means of distraction for a long period of time (meaning that I can't rely on a Kong to distract Cody if I ever take him to meetings or want him to stay quiet while I'm on the phone).

While I was in New York last month, my friend Andrew (who owns Addie), told me a trick that he picked up (apparently Addie can set a world record for Kong-finishing). Andrew said that he took a piece of sliced cheese, put it in the Kong, and stuck it in the microwave for about 5-10 seconds. That way, all the melty goodness stuck to the sides of the Kong, making it more difficult to get out. While timing it, Cody spent a total of 31 minutes with the Kong! That beats most other chew distractions (he has a short attention span....)

Hi all,

I've been recovering from the flu for the last couple of weeks, but let me tell you, Cody was not excited to be stuck at home!

For the first 3 days of the flu, I was barely able to walk, much less take Cody out. Luckily, he had gone to day care the day before, so Cody slept with me on Day 1 of the flu. On day 2 he was getting antsy by the end of the day, and started whining next to the door. Day 3 he was unbearable, but by then, I was able to walk for a short while. Cody just wanted to get out and not be cooped up so he appreciated the chance at fresh air.

Marathon training has also been at a standstill, but I am able to take Cody to the dog park or take him on short walks. I still have a cough and some congestion so I should be able to do some light runs this week, even though we're supposed to be at 12 miles this Saturday. I should be able to do 12 miles still, even if I have a super slow time. We'll see...